Friday Sep 30, 2016
12pm Registration
1pm shotgun
Maplewood Golf Course
4050 Maple Valley Highway
Renton, WA 98058
Individual $75
Dinner guests $30
Foursome $300
Roxanne Hanson (425)221-2028
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Friends of Renton High School Benefit Golf Tournament and Dinner
Four person Scramble
-Noon registration
-1PM shotgun start
-Individuals $75
-Includes 18 holes of golf and a golf cart
-Catered dinner, guests $30
-Tee favors and valuable prizes, cash prizes and raffle
Centennial Sponsor
Loretta & Joe Starkovich Class of 1952
Major Sponsor
RL Johnson Class of 1980
Tee- Favor Sponsros Marianna Ristorante